Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week 8: News Release Optimization


  1. You can view my blog post with my optimized news release here:

    It was definitely an interesting exercise and surprising to see how many huge corporations and governments don't have optimized news releases!

  2. My Optimized News Release is here:

    This assignment was a lot more work than I thought it would be and I learned a lot! I couldn't get the text to wrap around the pictures so it still doesn't look like I would like. How do you get the text to wrap around your pictures? I get how on a word document but on here the text kept jumping over!

    I wanted to add the researchers Twitter account and they didn't have a twitter account. I used brain, kids and children as key words. I also added a Berkeley logo on the top and changed the font to make it more pleasing to the eye.
